Names like Declan
Looking for names like Declan? On this page, you will find what you’re looking for. You can choose from more than 1,055 suggestions below for names that are similar to Declan’s. All you need to do is filter it out to find the one you want.
For more inspiration about similar names, you should check out the names like Eliana or Amethyst.
Names Similar To Declan – The List
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Names like declan |
Aaran |
Aaryan |
Aban |
Abarran |
Abram |
Abran |
Ace |
Ada |
Adalberto |
Adam |
Adan |
Add |
Adda |
Addison |
Adel |
Adela |
Adelaide |
Adele |
Adell |
Adella |
Adelle |
Aden |
Adian |
Adrian |
Aedan |
Aekerman |
Agas |
Agatha |
Agatino |
Aggi |
Aggie |
Aggy |
Aggye |
Agiefan |
Aidan |
Aiden |
Ailey |
Ainsley |
Al |
Al-asfan |
Ala |
Alan |
Alana |
Alann |
Alanna |
Alastar |
Alban |
Alcee |
Alcide |
Alda |
Aldan |
Alden |
Alec |
Aleen |
Aleena |
Alena |
Alene |
Alexander |
Alfeo |
Alfie |
Alfred |
Alice |
Alistair |
Alla |
Allan |
Allean |
Alleen |
Allen |
Allena |
Allene |
Alonso |
Aman |
Amelia |
Ana |
Ancel |
Andrew |
Andrian |
Angus |
Ann |
Anna |
Annalise |
Anne |
Annie |
Ansley |
Anthony |
Antiman |
Antwan |
Aodhan |
Aoife |
Apollo |
Arcangelo |
Archer |
Ari |
Aria |
Arian |
Ariella |
Arlan |
Arlen |
Arlo |
Arman |
Aron |
Arthur |
Aryan |
Asher |
Athan |
Atlas |
Atticus |
Aubrey |
Aucaman |
Audrey |
August |
Auley |
Aurelia |
Austan |
Austin |
Avan |
Avel |
Avery |
Awan |
Ayaan |
Ayan |
Aydan |
Ayman |
Azalea |
Azwan |
Bailey |
Balavan |
Ban |
Bardan |
Barrabas |
Barry |
Bary |
Bassel |
Beacan |
Beagan |
Beaman |
Bearcban |
Beatrice |
Beau |
Becan |
Beckett |
Beldan |
Belen |
Bella |
Ben |
Benito |
Benjamin |
Bennett |
Bentley |
Bittan |
Blake |
Bonnie |
Bonny |
Borys |
Bowen |
Bradan |
Braden |
Bradley |
Bradly |
Brady |
Braedon |
Bran |
Brandan |
Brandon |
Brann |
Brannon |
Brayan |
Brayden |
Brea |
Bree |
Breen |
Breena |
Brenan |
Brendan |
Brenna |
Brennan |
Brentley |
Breslin |
Brian |
Brianna |
Briannon |
Bridget |
Brielle |
Brienna |
Brody |
Brogan |
Brooks |
Bryan |
Bryce |
Brynn |
Byran |
Byron |
Cade |
Caden |
Cadence |
Cadogan |
Cael |
Caelan |
Cain |
Caith |
Cal |
Calder |
Cale |
Caleb |
Calla |
Callaghan |
Callahan |
Callum |
Calvin |
Camden |
Camelia |
Cameron |
Campbell |
Camran |
Can |
Candace |
Canh |
Caolán |
Caraid |
Carlos |
Carnahan |
Carolan |
Caroline |
Carrick |
Carrington |
Carson |
Carter |
Cassidy |
Cathal |
Cecelia |
Celena |
Celeste |
Cena |
Cesar |
Chan |
Chance |
Chann |
Channe |
Chapin |
Charita |
Charlie |
Charlotte |
Chase |
Chattan |
Cherls |
Chonsie |
Chrisopher |
Christian |
Christopher |
Cian |
Ciara |
Ciarán |
Cillian |
Cinnia |
Claire |
Clan |
Clarisse |
Clark |
Clay |
Cleda |
Clell |
Clella |
Cleo |
Clodagh |
Clyde |
Cody |
Cohen |
Cole |
Colin |
Collin |
Colm |
Colt |
Colton |
Conlan |
Conner |
Connor |
Conor |
Cooper |
Cora |
Corann |
Corbin |
Cordelia |
Cormac |
Coyan |
Creed |
Crew |
Cruz |
Cullen |
Curran |
Curtis |
Dael |
Daelyn |
Dahy |
Daig |
Daith |
Daithi |
Dakota |
Dale |
Dalton |
Damian |
Damien |
Damon |
Dan |
Dana |
Danae |
Dane |
Daneen |
Danelle |
Danh |
Dani |
Daniel |
Daniella |
Danielle |
Dann |
Danna |
Dante |
Dany |
Daphne |
Daquan |
Darby |
Darian |
Daric |
Darius |
Darragh |
Darrell |
Darren |
Darrien |
Dash |
Dashiell |
David |
Dawn |
Dawson |
Dax |
Daylen |
Dayman |
Daytan |
Deacon |
Dean |
Deana |
Deane |
Deann |
Deanna |
Deanne |
Decatur |
Decca |
Deccan |
December |
Dechtire |
Decia |
Decimus |
Decio |
Deck-len |
Decker |
Decretas |
Dee |
Deeann |
Deedee |
Deena |
Deirdra |
Deirdre |
Dejuan |
Del |
Delaney |
Delani |
Delanie |
Delano |
Delany |
Delavan |
Delfa |
Delia |
Dell |
Della |
Delle |
Delman |
Delta |
Dempsey |
Den |
Dena |
Deneen |
Denise |
Dennis |
Denver |
Dequan |
Dermot |
Derrick |
Dev |
Devan |
Devaney |
Devany |
Devin |
Devlin |
Devon |
Dexter |
Dhruv |
Diallo |
Diane |
Diarmaid |
Dickran |
Diego |
Dilan |
Dillon |
Dina |
Dmitri |
Dolan |
Dominic |
Donal |
Donavan |
Donegan |
Donnchadh |
Donovan |
Doran |
Dorothy |
Dorsey |
Doyle |
Drake |
Dristan |
Drystan |
Duncan |
Duran |
Dustin |
Dwyer |
Dylan |
Eamon |
Eamonn |
Ean |
Ed |
Eda |
Edd |
Eden |
Edith |
Edla |
Edna |
Edward |
Edwin |
Egan |
Eila |
Ela |
Elana |
Elcie |
Elda |
Elden |
Elena |
Eli |
Eliana |
Elias |
Elijah |
Eliza |
Ell |
Ella |
Elle |
Ellen |
Elliott |
Elna |
Elodie |
Elpidio |
Elsie |
Elvis |
Emanuel |
Emerson |
Emery |
Emma |
Emmett |
Ena |
Enda |
Ennis |
Enya |
Eoin |
Eric |
Erik |
Erin |
Esme |
Estelle |
Ethan |
Etney |
Eunice |
Eustacia |
Evan |
Evangeline |
Evanston |
Everett |
Everly |
Evoc |
Ewen |
Ezra |
Fallon |
Fallyn |
Farran |
Felix |
Fergal |
Fergus |
Ferris |
Fiachra |
Finbar |
Finegan |
Finley |
Finn |
Finnegan |
Finnian |
Finola |
Fintan |
Fiona |
Fionn |
Fitz |
Flan |
Flann |
Flannery |
Florence |
Floyd |
Flynn |
Ford |
Fox |
Fran |
Frances |
Francis |
Franciszek |
Frank |
Franklin |
Frann |
Frederic |
Friedrich |
Furman |
Gabriel |
Gage |
Galvin |
Gan |
Gann |
Garran |
Garrett |
Garrison |
Gauvain |
Gavin |
Gelban |
Geldersman |
Gemma |
Genevieve |
George |
Gérard |
Glenda |
Gopan |
Gracie |
Grady |
Graham |
Grant |
Grayson |
Gregory |
Griffin |
Grover |
Guillaume |
Gulliver |
Gwen |
Gwenda |
Hackman |
Hallie |
Hamish |
Hanh |
Hann |
Harold |
Harper |
Harris |
Harrison |
Harvey |
Hayden |
Hazel |
Hector |
Heidi |
Heinz |
Helen |
Helmut |
Henri |
Henry |
Herbert |
Hermann |
Holden |
Holly |
Honora |
Horatia |
Hudson |
Hugh |
Hugo |
Ian |
Imogen |
Imran |
Innman |
Iravan |
Ireland |
Irelyn |
Irfan |
Iris |
Isaac |
Isaah |
Isabella |
Isabelle |
Isaiah |
Isla |
Isolda |
Ivan |
Ivor |
Jace |
Jacek |
Jack |
Jackson |
Jacob |
James |
Jan |
Janne |
Jared |
Jarran |
Jason |
Javier |
Jax |
Jaxen |
Jay |
Jayceon |
Jeffrey |
Jeorge |
Jesse |
Joel |
John |
Jonah |
Joo-chan |
Jordan |
Joseph |
Joshua |
Josiah |
Josie |
Jourdan |
Juan |
Jude |
Jules |
Julia |
Julian |
Julien |
Julio |
June |
Juniper |
Kade |
Kaden |
Kai |
Kamari |
Kane |
Karen |
Karrae |
Karson |
Kayden |
Keagan |
Keegan |
Keith |
Kelby |
Kellan |
Kellen |
Kelly |
Kelton |
Kelvin |
Kenji |
Kenna |
Kenneth |
Kentan |
Kenyon |
Kerrigan |
Kevin |
Keyvan |
Khanh |
Kian |
Kieran |
Killian |
Kimberly |
King |
Kingston |
Kinnard |
Kintan |
Knox |
Koa |
Kobe |
Kolton |
Krew |
Krzysztof |
Kuba |
Kurt |
Kye |
Kyla |
Kyle |
Kylene |
Kylo |
Lachlan |
Lala |
Lalla |
Lana |
Lance |
Landan |
Landen |
Landon |
Lane |
Laney |
Langston |
Lanh |
Larissa |
Laura |
Lauren |
Lawrence |
Layla |
Layne |
Le |
Lea |
Leala |
Leana |
Leann |
Leanna |
Leanne |
Leary |
Leda |
Lee |
Leeann |
Leif |
Leighton |
Lela |
Leland |
Lella |
Len |
Lena |
Lenna |
Lennon |
Lennox |
Lenox |
Leo |
Leonard |
Levi |
Lewis |
Lexi |
Liam |
Liliana |
Lilly |
Lily |
Lincoln |
Lionel |
Lleyton |
Lochlain |
Lochlan |
Logan |
Lola |
Lonnie |
Loran |
Lorelei |
Lottie |
Louis |
Loup |
Luca |
Lucas |
Lucian |
Lucius |
Luis |
Luka |
Luke |
Luna |
Lydia |
Lyle |
Lyra |
Ma’n |
Mabel |
Macmahon |
Mad-den |
Madison |
Mae |
Maeve |
Magne |
Maguire |
Maible |
Mairead |
Mairin |
Maisie |
Malachi |
Malakai |
Malcolm |
Man |
Mann |
Marcus |
Margot |
Marie |
Mark |
Marley |
Marshall |
Martin |
Martín |
Mary |
Maryann |
Mason |
Mateo |
Mathavan |
Mathew |
Matilda |
Mattan |
Matteo |
Matthew |
Mattigan |
Maura |
Maverick |
Max |
Maximus |
Mayil |
Maynard |
Memphis |
Micah |
Michael |
Michał |
Micheal |
Miguel |
Miles |
Milo |
Mirabel |
Mitchell |
Moira |
Monahan |
Monroe |
Moran |
Morgan |
Murphy |
Myla |
Mylo |
Nada |
Nadia |
Nadine |
Nan |
Nana |
Nann |
Nanna |
Nash |
Natalie |
Nate |
Nathan |
Nathaniel |
Neal |
Ned |
Neil |
Nelda |
Nell |
Nella |
Nelle |
Nena |
Neo |
Nessa |
Neve |
Niall |
Nicholas |
Nicola |
Nicole |
Niko |
Nikolai |
Nina |
Noa |
Noah |
Noam |
Noel |
Noelle |
Nola |
Nolan |
Nora |
Norah |
Norman |
Octavia |
Odhran |
Odin |
Oliver |
Olivia |
Omar |
Onyx |
Oona |
Ophelia |
Oriana |
Orion |
Orla |
Oscar |
Otis |
Otto |
Owen |
Padraig |
Paislee |
Paisley |
Palban |
Park |
Parker |
Patricia |
Patrick |
Paul |
Peadar |
Peter |
Peyton |
Phillip |
Phoebe |
Phoenix |
Pierce |
Pite |
Poppy |
Preston |
Prince |
Przemysław |
Quaid |
Quincy |
Quinn |
Rachel |
Raegan |
Ran |
Randa |
Ranger |
Raphael |
Ray |
Raylan |
Readman |
Reagan |
Rebecca |
Redman |
Reed |
Reid |
Relay |
Remington |
Rene |
Rhiannon |
Rhys |
Rian |
Ricardo |
Richman |
Riley |
Riona |
Riordan |
River |
Roane |
Robert |
Rodney |
Rodrigo |
Rogan |
Rohan |
Roisin |
Roland |
Rolf |
Roman |
Rome |
Romeo |
Ronan |
Rory |
Rosalie |
Rosie |
Rourke |
Rowan |
Rowen |
Rueban |
Russel |
Russell |
Ryan |
Ryder |
Ryker |
Rylan |
Sabrina |
Sage |
Sahn |
Samantha |
Samson |
Samuel |
Santiago |
Sarah |
Saraid |
Saul |
Sawyer |
Scott |
Seamus |
Sean |
Sebastian |
Seth |
Seven |
Shae |
Shaela |
Shan |
Shanahan |
Shane |
Shann |
Shanna |
Shawn |
Sheridan |
Silas |
Silverman |
Siobhan |
Skye |
Sloan |
Soloman |
Solomon |
Sophia |
Soren |
Sosanna |
Spencer |
Srdjan |
Stacia |
Stan |
Stanley |
Stephen |
Steven |
Sullivan |
Sweeney |
Tan |
Tanh |
Tanner |
Tarran |
Tate |
Tecla |
Teirney |
Tess |
Tessa |
Than |
Thanh |
Theodora |
Theodore |
Thomas |
Tiger |
Timothy |
Titan |
Tobias |
Tobin |
Tomás |
Tommy |
Torin |
Toussaint |
Trace |
Tran |
Trevor |
Trista |
Tristan |
Troy |
Trystan |
Tucker |
Tyler |
Tyson |
Unice |
Van |
Vance |
Vanessa |
Vann |
Vaughn |
Victor |
Victoria |
Vincent |
Violet |
Wayne |
Wesley |
Wigman |
Wilbur |
Will |
William |
Wyatt |
Xavier |
Yan |
Yann |
Ydan |
Yucatan |
Yvan |
Zachariah |
Zachary |
Zachery |
Zack |
Zain |
Zaira |
Zaire |
Zan |
Zander |
Zane |
Zann |
Zayn |
Zayne |
Zeke |
10 Girl Names like declan
- Finola
- Honora
- Maeve
- Moira
- Nessa
- Neve
- Nola
- Oona
- Orla
- Roisin
10 Boy Names like declan
- Lennon
- Ronan
- Brady
- Donovan
- Dwyer
- Egan
- Kelly
- Sullivan
- Seamus
- Brogan
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Names Like Declan: Insights from around the web
Here are some quotes from various sites that talked about similar names ideas for Declan:
For what it’s worth, I know a Ronan and Declan who do not go by any nickname whatsoever! I think these names lend themselves less to nicknames than most other male names, honestly.
I spelled my son’s name, Declyn. I really like it with the ‘h’ and wish I would have thought of that before I spelled his the way I did. A hybrid of both would have been neat.
I thought of killian last night and love the name finn so I thought of finnagan.
Declan is pronounced pretty much just as it’s spelled deck-lan.
I personally dislike this name. It sounds like a -Lynn sound at the end. Which I like for girls.
It’s so funny to see so many young boys in UK & North America being named Declan. In Ireland, it’s an old man’s name.
I know twins called Declan & Dylan, they also have an older brother Daniel. I think it’s fine, the ending is the same but the actual sound is different if you know what I mean. Also as you have other boys as well it doesn’t sound too matchy.
Callum and Declan are both super handsome. My favorite is Callum, but I think Declan fits better with Noah, Ethan and Lila.
I do love the name Declan, being of half Irish decent. I just wish it hadn’t become so overused like Atticus etc. Just to be part of a group of people who want to be unique by purposefully scouring what were once beautifully, unusual names.
This is one of my favorite Irish boys name. It is like Patrick, with both having an Irish Saint as a namesake, however this one tends to be less common. I recommend this for sons.
If you want the irish version it’s: Deaglan, with a fada (accent) on the last a, so making a long ‘a’ sound at the end.
I have recently changed my name from a rather annoying Rufus to Declan. I love the “solidity” of the name and it’s meaning. I will have to say here that whatever the ‘initial/original’ root meaning may have been, if truly lost, is irrelevant. What is important is what this generation has chosen as its meaning and that is “full of goodness” & “man of prayer” both of which are awesome and spiritually sound.
Our youngest son is named Deklan (prounounced Deck-lan) and he is the most caring, charming young man with a great wit. While he can be mischievous- what 12-year-old isn’t? The name fits him perfectly!
Deklan is my son’s name, it is pronounced deck-lynn.
I don’t really like Declan because of the pronunciation. Sounds like “Deck Land.”
The Irish girls’ name Aisling, pronounced ash-leen or ash-ling, is a beautiful name that’s easy to say, but a little harder to spell. It also has a beautiful meaning —the name means “dream” or “vision.”
Áine is, in our opinion, one of the prettiest Irish girls’ names. While it may look like ain, it’s actually pronounced awn-yah, similar to the Russian name Anya. This name is also, essentially, the Irish version of the name Anna.
Aurelia is a beautiful, feminine baby name that has quite a lot of history behind it. It is originally from the Latin family name of Aurelius, which itself comes from the Latin word “aureus,” meaning “golden.” If you’re looking for a perfect baby name to describe your own little golden child, this might be a great fit.
If you’re a fan of Shakespeare, you’re certainly familiar with the heroine of his tragic play King Lear. Timeless and elegant, the name Cordelia .
The feminine form of Augustus (which is also a great vintage baby name choice), Augusta comes from the Latin word “august” which means “great” or “venerable.”