Names like Phoenix
Looking for Names Like Phoenix? On this page, you will find what you’re looking for. You can choose from more than 770 suggestions below for names that are similar to Phoenix’s. All you need to do is filter it out to find the one you want.
For more inspiration about similar names, you should check out the names like Darcy or Amelia.

Names that mean Phoenix – The List
Start of the name
Names that mean and like Phoenix |
Abby |
Abraham |
Absikal |
Ace |
Acne |
Acushla |
Adam |
Adara |
Addie |
Aella |
Aero |
Aether |
Aiden |
Ajax |
Alfred |
Alice |
Alinta |
Alpha |
Alvin |
Amszas |
Angel |
Anka |
Apollo |
Apple |
Apricot |
Aredina |
Aria |
Arman |
Arnie |
Arrow |
Ash |
Ashenbeak |
Ashenflame |
Ashenwing |
Asher |
Ashes |
Aspen |
Aster |
Atlas |
Aura |
Aurora |
Ava |
Avalon |
Axel |
Azar |
Azure flame |
Baby |
Baby puff |
Bakugo |
Bald blaze |
Beacon |
Beak |
Beaky |
Beam |
Becky |
Bedelia |
Bella |
Bellatrix |
Ben |
Benji |
Benu |
Berengaria |
Bingo |
Binx |
Birdie |
Biscuit |
Blair |
Blaze |
Blazeclaw |
Blazeheart |
Blazes |
Blazing glory |
Blink |
Blue |
Blue blaze |
Blueberry |
Bluebird |
Bluster |
Bob |
Bodie |
Bonfi |
Bong |
Boomerang |
Braasz |
Bren |
Brilliancy |
Brock |
Brownie |
Brynn |
Buddy |
Burn mf burn |
Burnie phoe-nix |
Bushy |
Buttercup |
Butterscotch flame |
Calcifer |
Calliope |
Calyx |
Cameo |
Captain phoe-nix |
Caraway |
Carmin |
Carrot |
Cash blaze |
Cash phoe-nix |
Caspian |
Catherine |
Cedar |
Celeste |
Chaquita |
Charlemagne |
Charlie |
Charm |
Checks |
Cherry |
Chestnut |
Chikkum |
Chipper |
Chocobo |
Chrebbai |
Chudta |
Cinder |
Cinders |
Cindersong |
Citrus |
Citrus blaze |
Claire |
Clementine |
Clive |
Clyde |
Cohn |
Cole |
Collette |
Crimson |
Crimson fire |
Crimsonclaw |
Crux |
Cruz |
Cuddle blaze |
Cutie |
Cyra |
Cyrano |
Cyrus |
Dahlia |
Danger |
Dangerous blaze |
Dangerous phoe-nixes |
Danica |
Danika |
Dante |
Darla |
Darling |
Dart |
Dawn |
Dazzle |
Deal phoe-nix |
Deh |
Deja |
Delia |
Demi-flame |
Demon phoe-nix |
Dimmail |
Dino |
Dixie |
Dodo lord |
Dodo on grill |
Draco |
Duduh |
Duke |
Dumbledore phoe-nix |
Dusty |
Dynamic phoe-nix |
Ed |
Eden |
Egbert |
Egru |
Einstein |
Eira |
Eks |
Electra |
Elemence |
Elias |
Elio |
Elizabeth |
Ember |
Emberflare |
Embersong |
Emberstrike |
Emberwing |
Emerald |
Endless |
Enigma |
Enoch |
Enya |
Enzo |
Eos |
Eterna |
Eternal flame |
Eternus |
Everburning |
Everest |
Everflame |
Fabio |
Faerie flame |
Fancy |
Fang |
Fawkes |
Fawkes phoe-nix |
Fawna |
Feathers |
Feenix |
Feline phoe-nix |
Felix |
Felyx |
Feng |
Fenghuang |
Fenix |
Fernando |
Fernfoot phoe-nix |
Ferno |
Ferret blaze |
Festive phoe-nix |
Fi-fi |
Fidelix |
Fierce |
Fiere |
Fintan |
Fira |
Fire birb |
Fire hot takes |
Fire wyrm |
Fireball |
Firebird |
Firebreak |
Firefeather |
Fireheart |
Firepos |
Firestar |
Firestorm |
Firework |
Flame |
Flame argentum |
Flame breather phoe-nix |
Flame butt |
Flame child |
Flame on |
Flame pigeonix |
Flame thrower |
Flamealama |
Flameburst |
Flameheart |
Flamelash |
Flamesong |
Flamestrike |
Flaming |
Flaming dash |
Flaming spud |
Flannery |
Flare |
Flash |
Flashfeather |
Flashfire |
Flashphoenix |
Flayme |
Flicker phoe-nix |
Florie |
Flying blaze |
Follower phoe-nix |
Forest |
Forge phoe-nix |
Fox |
Freya |
Frick bird |
Fried phoe-nix |
Fume |
Furgatal |
Furious fire |
Fury |
Furybird |
Fuzzy blaze |
Fye |
Fyre |
Garnet |
Garrett |
Garu |
Gator |
Gatsby |
Gelato |
Gem |
Genesis |
Giggu |
Ginger |
Gizmo |
Glaze |
Glint |
Gloss |
Glow |
Glowingbird |
Gold bitties |
Golden archers |
Golden blaze |
Goldie |
Goliath |
Goodie phoe-nix |
Gracie |
Gramps |
Grass blaze |
Griffin |
Grizzle |
Guide book |
Guy hawks |
Gypsy |
Had |
Half pint |
Hancock |
Harley |
Harper |
Hazel |
Heat |
Heat blaze |
Heated |
Heaven |
Heidi |
Helia |
Helios |
Hendrix |
Her |
Hercules |
Hero shqma phoe-nix |
Hershey |
Hestia |
Hitchcock phoe-nix |
Hoang |
Hol |
Holden |
Hooded raven |
Hooty |
Hop pop |
Hopper |
Hotcakes |
Hotshot |
Houdini |
Huey |
Hugh |
Huma |
Icarus |
Ignatius |
Ignis |
Ignite |
Ignition |
Ikle |
Ilkefa |
Illume |
Illumine |
Ilvessa |
Inara |
Incendiary phoe-nix |
Indigo |
Inferno |
Infernoburst |
Infernoflight |
Iris |
Ivan |
Ivy |
Izzsel |
Jaden |
Jalen |
Janus |
Jasmine |
Jasper |
Jax |
Jean |
Jean gray |
Jerry |
Jharee |
Jijari |
Jitters |
Jobila |
Joseph |
Josie |
Juvenile phoe-nix |
Kai |
Kaida |
Kal-el |
Kashak |
Keegan |
Kenway |
Kidd |
Kindle |
Kindolotre |
Kindu |
Klaus |
Knox |
Knuckles |
Kobe |
Krend |
Kristi |
Lance |
Legosi |
Lennox |
Leo |
Leo phoe-nix |
Leonardo da vinci |
Lerona |
Levi |
Licks |
Lifeline |
Light |
Lighting |
Lightning |
Lilliputian |
Lily flame |
Link |
Liora |
Little dove |
Little phoe-nix |
Loki |
Lord zuko |
Lottie |
Louie |
Lucent |
Lucky flame |
Lucy |
Luliva |
Lumina |
Lumino |
Luminos |
Luminous |
Luna |
Lynx |
Madeline |
Magician’s red |
Magmaflight |
Magnolia |
Magnum |
Mango |
Manu |
Marley |
Marmot |
Maui |
Maverick |
Max |
Maximus |
Maxwell |
Mega argentivis |
Merida |
Mia |
Michel |
Michelangelo phoe-nix |
Milo |
Mina |
Minikin |
Minnie |
Misfit |
Missja |
Misty |
Mjolnir |
Molly |
Molten hide |
Moltres pokémon |
Monica |
Monkey |
Monstrous phoe-nix |
Moose |
Morte |
Morton |
Muhzi |
Mukbe |
Mutton blaze |
Naked ember |
Nala |
Napalm |
Nash |
Naughty |
Neo |
Nero |
Nessie |
Nether |
News |
Niamh |
Nibbles |
Nite |
Nix |
Nixey |
Noodle |
Nova |
Nugget |
Nujika |
Nura |
Nyx |
Oakley |
Obscene phoe-nix |
Old monks |
Oldy |
Olive |
Olympus |
Onyx |
Ordell |
Oreo |
Orion |
Pablo |
Paige |
Paisley |
Parker |
Patsy |
Paxton |
Pea |
Peaches |
Pebbles |
Pegasus |
Penelope |
Pennywise |
Pepper |
Peppermint blaze |
Peppy |
Perky |
Phaedra |
Phenix |
Phillip |
Phineas |
Phoe-nix forge |
Phoe-nix wright |
Phoebe |
Phoebus |
Phoenix |
Phoenixburn |
Phoenixclaw |
Phoenixflight |
Phoenixia |
Phoenixus |
Phox |
Pickle |
Piglet |
Pip |
Piper blaze |
Pire |
Plume |
Plus phoe-nix |
Polly |
Polynesia |
Pongo |
Poo-boo |
Poppy phoe-nix |
Potter |
Pounig |
Pradeep |
Prankster |
Preferred |
Prince |
Prince charming |
Pumpkin |
Punctual blazers |
Pyra |
Pyre |
Pyrewing |
Pyro |
Pyroclaw |
Pyrofeather |
Pyrrhic |
Pyrus |
Queen |
Radcliff |
Radiance |
Radiantblaze |
Radiantwing |
Radley |
Raffle |
Raise |
Ratt |
Ray |
Raye |
Reba |
Rebornfromfire |
Red phoe-nix knights |
Redmond |
Rekindled |
Remarkable phoe-nixes |
Resurrection |
Revi |
Rhea |
Richard |
Rise |
Rising phoenix |
Risingflame |
Risingfromashes |
River |
River chaser |
Rock kipper |
Rocky |
Rooster |
Rope |
Rory |
Rosemary |
Rosie |
Rouge |
Rowan |
Rowdy |
Royal |
Ruby |
Rudyard |
Rugs |
Ruhze |
Russell |
Ryder |
Ryse |
Sadie |
Saffron |
Sage |
Salama |
Sandstone |
Sansa flame |
Satan |
Saturn |
Scales |
Scallywag |
Scarlet ember |
Scarlett |
Scorch |
Scorched earth |
Scorchey |
Scorching |
Scoundrel |
Scout |
Scroll phoe-nix |
Scruffy |
Scuttle |
Sean |
Sean firey |
Seatbelt |
Seemly phoe-nix |
Seraphim |
Seraphina |
Serious blaze |
Sesame |
Shakespeare phoe-nix |
Sheba |
Sheen |
Sheila |
Shifter |
Shiloh |
Shimmer |
Shine |
Shiva |
Shoto todorki |
Sienna |
Sihzi |
Silver blaze |
Sirius |
Skittles |
Sky |
Sky igniter |
Slag |
Slate |
Slim |
Slink |
Slinky |
Smoke |
Snang |
Sniv |
Snotli |
Snowball |
Snox |
Snudi |
Soar |
Sol |
Solana |
Solar |
Solara |
Solarflare |
Solaris |
Soleil |
Somber phoe-nix |
Soot |
Soots |
Sorrel |
Soul |
Spark |
Sparkle |
Sparkles |
Sparky |
Speedball |
Spicy phoe-nix |
Spike |
Spirit |
Sprout |
Squirt |
Stark |
Streak |
Striker |
Summer |
Sun |
Sun beams |
Sunbeam |
Sunburst |
Sunfire |
Sunny |
Surge |
Surtur |
Surya |
Svetlana |
Sweetsie |
Swift talons |
Taklak |
Talia |
Tango |
Taylor |
Ted |
Tes |
Tessa |
Thickfreedom |
Thorn |
Tiger |
Tinder |
Tinkerbell |
Tiny heart |
Titan |
Titanica |
Title |
Tizer |
Toasted |
Toasted phoe-nix |
Toasty |
Tonto |
Toots |
Tori |
Toto |
Trillion wings |
Turnip |
Twitches |
Tyke |
Tyler |
Ullavi |
Ultimate phoe-nixes |
Unenets |
Urak |
Urebrelyalian phoe-nix |
Usaki |
Uvika |
Vandik |
Veesz |
Venue |
Victory phoe-nix |
Violet |
Vitality |
Vitally |
Viva |
Vovolodo |
Vulcan |
Vurki |
Waddles phoe-nix |
Warmheart |
Wave |
Whisker phoe-nix |
White rocks |
Whitty |
Wiki |
Willow |
Window |
Winter |
Witchy poo |
Wolf |
Wolverine |
Wriggles |
Xander |
Yushufa |
Zak |
Zap |
Zeal |
Zelda |
Zen |
Zephyr |
Zephyra |
Zeus |
Zilla |
Ziva |
Zivli |
Zoe |
Zoggo |
Zuko |
Zuppu |
10 Girl Names that mean Phoenix
- Bedelia
- Bren
- Helia
- Missja
- Willow
- Zoe
- Fi-Fi
- Hoang
- Nixey
- Jalen
10 Boy Names that mean Phoenix
- Aiden
- Azar
- Fintan
- Kai
- Orion
- Sage
- Janus
- Ordell
- Arman
- Neo
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Names Like Phoenix: Insights from around the web
Here are some quotes from various sites that talked about similar names ideas for Phoenix:
Bedelia, is a phoenix name after “Celtic Goddess of fire”.
Crimson, Phoenix’s color is close to this beautiful shade of red.
Ember, This super cool name reflects the close relationship between phoenixes and fire.
Firebird, This is a very fitting name because the phoenix is known for its ability to burst into flames and then be reborn from the ashes.
Flame, This name highlights the phoenix’s most famous attribute – its ability to burst into flames and incinerate everything in its path.
Zoe, means “life or existence”.
Aiden, is a Phoenix meaning name for boy meaning “little fire”.
Azar (Iranian origin) meaning “fire”.
Cole, is an English origin name that means “charcoal”.
Fintan (Irish origin) meaning “white fire” or “white bull”.
Kai (Scottish origin) meaning “fire” or “flames”.
Orion (Greek origin) is a constellation visible throughout the world.
Sage, means “a wise and calm person”.
Ash, is a beautiful name taken from Phoenix. After all, it rises from ash only.
Charm, is something that is charismatic and alluring, just like the Phoenix
Fierce, is an ideal name for a pet that is as “fierce as a fire”.
Fi-Fi, is a cute name for your pet that means “beauty and happiness”. It is also a short name for Phoenix.
Hoang (Vietnamese origin) means “Phoenix”.
Nixey, means “empress” just like the Phoenix- the queen of birds.
Blaze, means “to shine brightly”.
Fawkes, is a popular phoenix character in Harry Potter.
Anka (Turkish origin) means “grace”.
Bong (Korean origin) derived from the word for steam or smoke.
Feng, is hands down a good name for Phoenix. It is a Chinese name that means “phoenix”.
Huma, is a Persian name that means ‘bird that brings joy.’
Jalen (African origin) that refers to “the Phoenix”.
Pounig (Armenian origin) that is taken after the Phoenix.